
About us

After years of dedication our interdisciplinary team of designers, craftsmen and engineers in 2018 proudly launched the MAPUGUAQUÉN speakers, a product, handmade by people in the south of Chile.  
Now, two years of acoustic improvement and product development later, we launch the MAPU PRETO & MAPU SOENGA series.

TEAM mapu speakers

Pablo Ocqueteau

Pablo Ocqueteau

Founder & CEO
Philine von Düszeln

Philine von Düszeln

Founder & CEO
Moving green

Benny Jhu

Driver & Amplifier Development
Peter Chapman PC Acoustics

Peter Chapman

Acoustic Engineer & DSP Design
Ramon Beytía

Ramón Beytía L.

Sales Manager

TEAM mapu preto & Soenga

Luis Lourosa artantiga

Luís Lourosa

Guiding Potters, Portugal
Jose Lourosa

José Lourosa

Guiding Potters, Portugal
Manuel Sousa

Manuel Sousa


Don Brito

Wood turner, Portugal
Bremer Drechslerei

Hans-Peter Schöner

Wood turner, Germany

TEAM mapuguaquén

Ceramica Cartes

Marco Barra Cartes

Guiding Potter, Chile
Heraldo Mora

Heraldo Mora

Wood turner, Chile
Claudia Fren Mapuguaquén

Claudia Fren

Assembling & Logistics, Chile
Daniel Erices Mapuguaquén

Daniel Erices

Assembling & Logistics, Chile
Francisco Fuentealba Mapuguaquen

Francisco Fuentealba

Business Support


Romina Sandrock

Romina Sandrock

Graphic Design
Ricardo Lopes Olarikaya

Ricardo Lopes

Pottery Development, Portugal

Anselm Görtz

DSP Design Mapuguaquén
Rinse Wevers

Rinse Wevers

Online Marketing

thanks to

Many thanks to everyone who has supported us in this fascinating process!


The team of Sound Hub Denmark, especially Peter Petersen, Rie Pripsø, Knud Funch & Bertel Pagaard.

The team of Accelerace, especially Thomas Wiborg, Daniel Pedersen, Michael Böwadt & Michael Kragelund. Our fellows of the first ‘cohort’ of the Sound Tech Accelerace program, especially Bojan Šernek, Garijela Hladnik & Ziga Redza from Distopik and Boris Polšek from Cocobo

The entire team of Lydens By, Peter, Mathilde, Isa, Jesper, Thomas for welcoming us in Struer – the City of Sound, Maia Wiest from Pianini, Sigrid Pedersen & Gorm Hansen for their beautiful neighbour-ship.

Jens Schönemann-Paul, and the acoustic engineers of Bang & Olufsen, Helle Toftgaard, Anne Bjerre for helping us with their expertise, and last but not least Holger Prip and the SMV:Digital, for supporting our digital security, website and online marketing activities.

Our gratefulness goes also to Visionskultur Bremen, Hachem Gharbi, Mark, Ben & Valeska for giving us space. And to the WORTH! Partnership project, the European Commision, Ubaldo Spina, Ana Soler & Zicri Montiel for believing in us and helping MAPU PRETO and our dreams to grow. 

 & of course to all the Michaels and Peters who supported us while working in Denmark!


Thanks to: Prof. Dr. Ing Anselm Goertz, tutor Acoustic development, Julius Winter, Business Development- and Social Media Support, Jan-Joschka Wohlgemuth, Amplifier Development, Marcela Bahamonde, guiding Anthropologist, Drina Bascón, tutor Business Development, Daniela Berdichevsky & Noemi Culla de Limaweb, Web Design. Angela Cura – goldsmithing and copper pieces, Maria Isabel Roldán, Miguel Casanueva, Alejandro Palma, winner project packaging design, Miguel Angel Palma, Packaging & Logistics.

Santos Herrera, Albio Nascimento & Kathi Stertzig – The Home Project, Eugidio Santos from Sao Pedro do Corval, Philip Richardson – True Analog, Fiene Heider – Tischlerei Heider, Maxi – Restaurant Gloria, Sebastian Gonzales, Basil Martion, Oliver Strauch, Renzo Mencarini & Benedikt Riepe for their support in the prototype development.

Malte Ollroge, Miguel Rozas, Ana Catalá, Gema Segura, Claudio Vergara, Jim Elson & Clavo Zamora for their help with the videos.

Nicola Cruz, Jaime Frez, Pascuala Ilabaca & Fauna for their music,

Our Ambassadors: Pascuala Ilabaca & Jaime Frez, Fernando Milagros, Nano Stern, Cristian Heyne, “Chalo” Gonzalez and Ignacio Franzani, María Gracia Subercaseaux.

Lolo Góngora, Vicky Zamora, Romina Sandrock, Danila Ilabaca y Mala Imagen for their artistic interventions. 

Joselin Vives Brun, Camilo Venturelli, Rocio Fuentes & Marcelo Peldoza, Rodrigo Mata & Pablo Roses – Reserva Biológica Huilo Huilo, Señora Verónica de la Isla Huapi, Angelika & Florian Becker, Antu Ale Miranda & Camila Retamal – Rukalihuen, Malte Jaeger, Matthias Klaus-von Düszeln & Annegret Schürmann for their support with the photography locations.

Francisco Fuentealba, Osvaldo Zorzano, Jürgen von Düszeln, Susie Klindt-Pedersen, Nora von Düszeln, Lars Kästner, Angela von Düszeln, Paul Schütte, Ruth Cohen Vera, Leonardo Ocqueteau, Karsten Contreras, Tatiana Peña Arias, Guillermo Vásquez, Rodrigo Gonzalez, Italo Rivera San Martín, Sebastian Bakit, Rodgers Hermosilla, Nicolás Retamal, Vincent Fritsch, Felipe & Angela Cura, Jorge Rodriguez, Wekas Gaba, Julia Koppetsch, Ginés Olivares, Trinidad Jove, Javier García, Juan Pablo Fuentes, Thomas Kimber and the Sandrock Rojas family for their friendship, input, know-how and support.

Dr. Sascha Peters – Haute Innovation, Nils Bader & the Green Product Award Team, Chiara Girardi, Marva Griffin & the Salone Satellite Team, Rosa Maria Santana & the Bid DIMAD Team, Futurium Berlin, Grand Designs Live UK, Lange Nacht der StartUps Berlin, Interzum Cologne, Subcontractor Jönköpping, IHK Berlin, SZIDF Shenzen, and El Finde Valdivia for giving Mapuguaquén visibility.

Massimo Mini – Designboom, Cristian Rojas & Oscar Pizano, Deutsche Welle, Maca Sanchez – Más Deco, Claus Klok, TV Midvest, Rayen Faúndez, Casas etc., Quian Sun, Pear.tv, Manuel Figueroa – Design Area Consejo de la Cultura, Lidija Grozdanic, Inhabitat for publications that were crucial for the project.

Alejandra Soto – Reforesta Bio Bio, David Gonzáles – Fundación Planeta BioBio

Neit Pazos & Marjorie Chau, Micha & Sascha – Freizeithaus am Mauerpark, Naunyritze, Vishal Jodhani & the people from Impact Hub Berlin for sharing their work-spaces with us.

Karin Schmidt & Thorsten Harms – Coaching Bonus Berlin, Simon Chorzelski- Boston Consulting Group.

Thanks also to all the supporters from the Biobío region: Cecilia Guevara & Marcelo Sanchez – Fondart Biobío, Patricia Roa, Vicente Hernández & Cecilia Perich – Cidere Biobío, Sergio Acuña, Cristian Sepúlveda – CORFO Prae, Blanca Velasco, Cristóbal Briceño & Roberto Flores – Acoustic Institute UACh, Pablo Briones, Rodolfo Hernandez, Claudio Palacios & the team from DUOC Chile, Cristian Mendéz, Cesar Rojas & Eduardo Novoa – DUOC, Familia Yevenes Bahamonde.

And especially to the wonderful people from Nacimiento: Doña Clemira Cartés, Ruth & Fidel, Celmira & Raúl, Paula & Beño, Milady, Rafa and Brunito and the entire Barra Cartes family. To Manuel Burgos and Pedro Grandón. To the Abarzúa Salazar Family, Residencial Colipe and to Don Manuel Rebolledo who made us feel at home!

To Pataganya, Rapeusen and all our friends for bearing so many years of the same story!

And to Amanda and Ava, the most beautiful girls in the world who have grown up with us in this project.

Amanda Ocqueteau Ava Ocqueteau

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